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Buyer’s Agent Service

Buy investment properties with confidence

We help people from all walks of life generate wealth through property investment.

Book a free discovery call and let us guide you to success with a strategy that’s right for you.

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Why A Buyer’s Agent?

An Expert On Your Side

Property investment is a great way to build wealth but get it wrong and you end up in a bad situation.

You need an expert working for you…

Don’t Get It Wrong

Potential investors face 3 common problems…

Not Ready?

Many people believe they aren’t in the right financial position to use any property investment strategy AND they can’t see how they ever will be. So, they dismiss the whole idea of property investment altogether.


Many people love the dream of owning multiple investment properties and making passive income but are simply overwhelmed. They worry about making a big mistake or feel the whole process will be complicated and stressful.


Many people with money have work roles that require most of their time. Lawyers, doctors, and other highly-paid professionals want to invest in property but know they don’t have the time to do it properly.

It’s a hotpot of action

Now Is A Great Time

The investment property market is rich with opportunity—if you know where to look.

There’s a lot is going on…

…interest Rates are increasing
…our population is growing
…immigration is high
…unemployment is low
…the government is investing heavily in some regions.

Read any of the latest property news, and you’ll discover a wide range of predictions—property in some areas is considered a ‘good investment’ and in others a ‘bad investment’.

And depending on the region, different types of properties are considered both good and bad.

It makes sense to have an expert on your side and, most importantly, one who is acting in your best interest.

Real Deal Property is different from the majority of buyer’s agents.

Discover why investors choose us to act their buyer’s agent.

Hear From The Hundreds Of Delighted Property Investors We’ve Helped Over The Years

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